4th Ave Food Park
A locally-owned, outdoor food court in Gainesville, Florida.
I was a Graphic Design/Social Media Management intern from January 2020 -July 2020
What I did:
Managed the Instagram account
Connected with many Gainesville food blogs/local accounts
Created Instagram story highlight icon graphics
Designed Food Park merchandise
Supported the Black Lives Matter movement locally by creating an infographic with Black-owned businesses in Gainesville, FL to be shared on Instagram and Facebook
Instagram Growth Rates
67% follower growth rate
over my 7 month internship (Jan 2020-July 2020), the followers grew from 1,678 to 2,809
an increase in followers by +1,131 is 67% of the original follower base
Follower Growth Rate
Instagram Content
Increase in likes over time
Black Lives Matter
I asked if we could use our voice in Gainesville to show support for the Black Community.
I created this graphic listing as many businesses as I could find based on similar posts
This is the most reached post on the account
reached 2,525 people
shared 328 times between users through DM
saved 154 times
And it generated many comments that shared more Black-owned businesses!
Instagram Story Highlights Icons
Custom Icons for each restaurant at the Food Park to be used as an Instagram Story Highlight cover
Food Park Stickers
Stickers! Of the beloved kitties that live around the Food Park. We made 100 total, they were gone within the day.