University of Florida Women’s Water Polo Team
A National Championship club team from Gainesville, FL.
Positions I held:
president (2019-2020)
equipment manager (2018-2019)
resident creative/team member (2016-2020)
Work I did:
Designed original team merchandise for team and fans
Created custom stickers as event keepsakes
Created, coordinated, and promoted an original fundraising event
Designed promotional flyers for various events for social media
Designed and distributed the first-ever team holiday card
Team Merchandise

Custom Stickers

A brand-new fundraising concept
As a club organization, the UF Women’s Water Polo Team is required by the university to fundraise a certain amount in order to stay active. I created a new concept, the “Tread-a-Thon”, which my teammates supported and helped execute.
We raised over $1300!
I designed the flyers, ran the advertising, and set up the event with help from my team.

Tournament Program

Donor Flyer
Instagram Graphics